Creart is a team of partners and collaborators who are motivated by social commitment and the will to get involved in processes that make us question the world we live in, understand the causes that provoke inequalities and promote processes of mobilisation to reverse them.

We are a team of people with diverse backgrounds in the following fields: education, international cooperation, human rights, psychology, arts, culture of peace, critical interculturality and gender. We work from a socio-affective methodology through different artistic disciplines (plastic, scenic, photography…), always from the point of global justice and using ethics of care to promote a way of being in the world that respects people and the environment.

We envision Creart as a space for personal and professional growth and as a platform for collective learning. We work within the framework of international cooperation. Our  training focusses the teams of educators and volunteers on the creation of personal tools that can be incorporated into their own sustainable resources over time.

Creart is currently made up of a specialist team of seven people at the headquarters and different groups of volunteers in the areas where we work. The volunteers carry out the management and implementation of international cooperation projects, education for global justice and humanitarian action in the social, educational and health fields.


How we are organised

For decision-making: Creart is structured around the technical operating team and a board of directors, a body that is subject to the vote of the members through the general assemblies where the annual budgets and balance sheet are presented and the strategic lines of the organisation in the different sectors of intervention are decided.